Ciné Studio #1

Featured Directors:

Thomas Kunstler

Antonis Kitsikis

Dimitris Lambridis

In June 2019, artist Kyvèli Zoi and cinematographers Thomas Künstler, Dimitris Lambridis and Antonis Kitsikis organized two private screenings, in Kyvèli’s studio building in Exarheia. It was the first of many and the starting point of what was to become KYAN Project Space.

 The main focus for this initiative was the Athenian Urban Landscape and Rebetiko Music, as all the artists draw major inspiration from these subjects. The building in which the studio is located in, set a perfect example of the architectural patchwork and decadence that is modern Athens. Rebetiko music also having been developed in the urban landscape of the early 1920’s and onward, became a focal point of reference for all the artists who live and work in contemporary Athens. Their shared love of music and the city landscape played a key role to the development of the first Ciné Studio Premiere.

On Sunday June 2nd 2019, the first screening took place in which Thomas Künstler presented his stop motion animation film “Rebetiko” (2015). The second screening focused more on the subject of "Athens" and took place on Sunday June 23rd 2019. Director Antonis Kitsikis, and director of Photography Dimitri Lambridis presented three short films inspired by the Athenian Landscape and growing up in it. All the featured films were a selection of projects that all three cinematographers have collaborated on with each other.

About Thomas Kunstler:


Thomas Kunstler (1991) is a director & stop-motion animator who currently lives & works in Athens.

He received his degree in Film Production in 2015 at the University for the Creative Arts (Farnham, UK). His work usually is inspired by greek music & culture. His recent stop-motion short film “Pink Mountain” was nominated for Best Short Animation at the Hellenic Film Academy Awards, and it has been invited to more than 50 film festivals. 

In collaboration with different festivals he leads animation workshops for children in Greece & abroad. He is also a Berlinale Talents Alumni. Thomas is currently developing his new stop motion short “Endless Hole” with production company StudioBauhaus.

Rebetiko (2015) Feature stop motion animation film by Thomas Künstler.

Den Les Kouventa (You Don't Say a Word) 2011 by Thomas Kunstler

Roma-Athens (Love in the Time of Mykonos) 2015 by Thomas Kunstler

About Dimitris Lambridis:

Director of Photography

Dimitris Lambridis is a Greek Filmmaker and Photographer based in London, UK. Coming up through the lighting department, making a start in 2012 on large sets of TV Dramas, music videos and feature films, with the most notable being James Bond- Spectre, Dimitri gained a lot of experience as an electrician and excelled as a gaffer in the film industry at a young age. Dimitri has worked on a lot of films that had great festival runs, such as Academy Award nominee for Best Short Documentary - “Blacksheep” Dir. Ed Perkins, and Sundance Best Short film, and BAFTA Best British Short film “Wren Boys” by Dir. Harry Lighton. In addition to his extensive studies in stills Photography in the US. He has combined all of his experience effectively into Cinematography. His work contains a wide gamut of music promos, animation films, commercials and documentaries.

City of Dog (2012) by Dimitris Lambridis

About Antonis Kitsikis:

Film Director

Antonis Kitsikis was born in Athens, Greece. Coming from a filmmaker family, he has been working in the film industry, in various roles, since he was 14; in commercial, shorts, features and music videos. Among his personal work we can see Coffee & Flowers awarded in the competition Nespresso Talents Greece 2020 or Harvest in New Life, classified among the three best student films in the U.K in 2017. After finishing his studies in UCA Farnham, he worked for ARRI UK in 2017. The next year he worked as Camera Operator for the film In This Land Nobody Knew How To Cry directed by Giorgos Panousopoulos. Soon after, in 2019, he completed Tettix, an art house short film. In 2020 he made Strofades, a short documentary produced by the Metropolis of Zakynthos and the short film The Performance supported by the Apulia Film Commission. In 2022 he finished his latest short film Abyssal Zone. Currently he works on his new feature length script.

Harvest in New Life (2018) Feature Documentary: Producer/Director/Editor: Antonis Kitsikis, Cinematography: Thomas Kunstler


Ciné Studio 2