An Almond’s Quest

Resident Hugo Avigo Solo Show

07 / 12 - 10 / 12 / 2023

KYAN Project Space is pleased to host the presentation of fall artist-in-residence, Hugo Avigo.

For An Almond’s Quest, an installation dedicated to transition and healing, Avigo weaves together sculpture, botanical research and metaphor by employing a diverse range of visual systems and processes.

Avigo’s work revolves around multidisciplinary approaches to public space and speculative fiction. This glimpse into his practice introduces viewers to sensations and found objects that resonated most with the artist during his residency in Athens.

Starting with a subtle reference to elevators as a means of change and movement, An Almond’s Quest bridges Avigo’s earlier research to his current exploration of portals to assumed dimensions. Each element that comprises the installation functions as a personified vessel of balance or speaks to the chance of being (in French: L’hasard d’être). At the heart of the installation stands a wood-sculpted almond carved by hand. This centrepiece embodies the artist’s journey through the surrounding materials and their figurative notions, while the almond symbolises health and personal questioning.

By using natural materials known for their medicinal qualities, such as herbal teas and olive oil, Avigo creates a multi-sensory experience that enhances a deeper connection with the body’s needs and invites us to a quest for self-awareness.


Project 8